Tune Up Your Marketing! Marketing can get tedious and boring when you do the same thing over and over. Everything needs a tune-up now and…
Finding Inspiration — how do you do it? Working 5 days a week at a desk and computer can hinder your creativity. Inspiration plays such…
Every businesses story and history is different, but how you tell your story is what makes a consumer want to do business with your brand.
How often do you feel like your marketing needs a little bit of a boost? How many months have gone by where viewership seems slow?…
Downriver Current is a publication of the Trenton Trib and Island Beacon community newspapers. Highlights dining and entertainment opportunities in the metro Detroit communities along…
Grab the Attention and the Sale! Recently, I was grocery shopping, which is a “zone experience” for Tina as I am on a mission to…
A New Year, a New Word, a New Tradition! On my quest to layout some new year resolutions, I really spent some time contemplating the idea,…