The Sweet News — March 2018
In October, I was selected to join the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, a 6-month course that teaches small business owners how to discover growth opportunities for their business. This experience has been very enlightening for me -- including reminding me how hard it can be to "crack the books."
The Sweet News — January 2018
Our universe is filled with many opposites - push and pull, on and off, up and down, excitement and quiet. I believe there is a great purpose for these contrasting forms of energy or events and we can learn from them if we pay attention to what happens during these changes.
New Year, New Resolutions
When people think of New Year’s resolutions, they tend to focus on personal goals. Although that is very important, it is also equally critical to create realistic and impactful resolutions for your business.
The Sweet News — November 2017
I was blessed to marry into an amazing family that is kind, fun, non-judgmental, loving, enjoyable, and drama is only used for good gossip! When I was dating my boyfriend, Bob, he said if we were going to get serious there were two rules that he would not budge on and I am so glad that he did not as we have not broken them for 28 years!
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