Milan, MI

The Sweet News – July 2018 Edition

Speak your Brand!

I know I continue to pound this drum, but it is so you will hear me loud and clear!  Your brand is not just your logo – it is who you are, what you do, and the way you make people feel when you come to mind.

Recently, I had to take my mother to the orthopedic surgeon’s office, due to her pelvis fracture. Needless to say, she cannot walk and getting her in and out of the car is a challenge, to say the least.

So that morning I was a bit stressed about the challenges ahead of me — getting her out of the car, in the wheelchair, and leaving her unattended while I parked the car. Much to my delightful surprise when I arrived at St. Joe’s Orthopedic Center there was a new sign – FREE VALET PARKING. My stress level immediately reduced and I felt confident that I could manage the rest of the operation to get my mother to the doctor on time.

Additionally, the attendants made it very easy for me to interact with the service —

Service Valet

  • They asked for my mobile number.
  • Sent me an introduction text and provided the steps needed for me to retrieve my car.
  • Once I got my mother back in her wheelchair, after the appointment, I simply had to text “Car” to have them retrieve my car. And they provided me with the attendant’s name.
  • When we left the building my car was ready and waiting and I thanked Jim profusely!
  • Once we were in the car I received another text thanking me.

Kudos to St. Joseph Hospital!  They are beginning to realize that if their brand is about helping and healing people, they must think about the entire experience – not just the doctor’s knowledge. 

Ease of use, for your services or your product, will win hands down, over more expensive, fancier, and more well-known products.  As in the end, the user experience is what will remain longer than any other part of the interaction with your company.

At the end of the day, as I pondered over the good and bad that occurred that day,  I gave thanks that St. Joe added valet services to their patient experience!

Know your brand and BEE it!


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