This January was the anniversary of our 10th year in business and while the road has been long and at times challenging, it has also been filled with many smiles, friendships, and growth in mind and spirit.
In the last month, I attended two digital marketing events in Detroit and Ypsilanti and I for one, am amazed at the speed of marketing these days. While the tried and true tools are still around, digital marketing is the new mainstay -- but it is a moving target for sure!
Adding "innovative" to my company's name was deliberate since I decided from the very beginning that one of my company's goals would be to constantly search for innovative marketing tools.
Radio... remember when it was the go-to for music, the news, interviews, sports and so much more? Life was simpler and so was our connection to the world -- three TV stations, one phone in the house, the daily newspaper, and radio to discover the world.
Appreciation mixed with a little fun will keep me coming back time and time again -- like receiving a glass of sweet tea while sitting on a porch swing.
To make one pound of honey, the bees in the colony must visit 2 million flowers, fly over 55,000 miles, and will be the lifetime work of approximately 768 bees.