Milan, MI

The Arts + Creative Industries 2019 Guidebook

Discover the creative members of The Arts Alliance and their contributions to the Arts + Creative Industries.

The Arts Alliance Logo

What is The Arts Alliance?

In May 1999, more than 200 artists, arts, community, philanthropic, government and business leaders attended the Washtenaw County Arts & Cultural Summit. Their charge was to strategize ways to stimulate and support arts and culture in the region for the long term. United by their common value for the arts and a belief that a healthy and sustained arts infrastructure benefited the community, they considered the future of the arts in the greater Ann Arbor area.

This gave rise to the founding of The Arts Alliance, the countywide agency now boasting a membership representing 14 arts + creative disciplines.  The Arts Alliance is always listening, moving forward and jumping in to create change. The Arts Alliance ensures artists are able to make a decent living, schools have budgets to provide students with arts + creative education, and creative organizations and businesses are properly resourced. The mission of The Arts Alliance is to champion the arts & creative industries in Washtenaw County, MI—arts and creative individuals, organizations and businesses—to ensure that the greater Ann Arbor region remains a great place to create, live, work, learn, play and visit.

Arts Creative Industries, Front cover and inside page mockup

What is The Arts + Creative Industries Guidebook?

The Arts Alliance publishes the guidebook annually and features the creative members of The Arts Alliance. Creative members of The Arts Alliance include individuals and businesses in virtually every creative discipline. These disciplines include the literary, media, performing and visual arts plus design, advertising, architecture, creative technology, fashion, museums, science and nature centers, and many others. The guidebook also recognizes outstanding members of the Arts + Creative Industries community for their outstanding contributions and accomplishments.

How Can You Learn More?

To learn more about The Arts Alliance visit

See the online Guidebook for 2019 here: The Arts + Creative Industries 2019 Guidebook

Hundreds of arts + creative members contributed to this year’s guidebook which was designed by

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Honeybees are the only insect that produces food for humans.