Milan, MI

The Sweet News — February 2016

Appreciation mixed with a little fun will keep me coming back time and time again -- like receiving a glass of sweet tea while sitting on a porch swing.

Appreciation mixed with a little fun will keep me coming back time and time again — like receiving a glass of sweet tea while sitting on a porch swing.

Last year, I became a certified tourism ambassador for the Washtenaw county area and part of my continued training is to visit places in the country so I can share with others — fun stuff, right?

Well, hang on, it get even better as the CTA crew knows the power of appreciation. If they notice a member wearing a pin, they give them treats and add them to their monthly eNewsletter. Kind of like Candid Camera with perks.

Additionally, they have contests in their e-newsletters that keeps us (ambassadors) on our community knowledge toes, but this time, I knew the answer to the location identity question.

So, I quickly responded, “Nickels Arcade” and a few minutes later, Danielle Fergus, Membership & CTA Program Manager, replied and advised I was the first to respond and she was sending me two tickets to the Purple Rose theater — another Washtenaw County treasure.

So, this simple and fun contest created many feelings of appreciation…

  • I am thankful to be an ambassador for the Ann Arbor – Ypsilanti area, and glad I too the class to become certified.
  • I love having fun while discovering new treasures in my own backyard.
  • I appreciate living in a community that wants to grow through sharing and educating their visitors and residents.

Did I love these things before I won the tickets? Absolutely! Do I love them even more now? You bet!

Now you know why I created my company based on appreciation marketing, because In the end, it is the little thank yous that will bring your members, customers, and friends back for another glass of sweet ice tea — especially if your porch swing is waiting!

Did you know?

Each bee has 170 oderant receptors, which means they have one serious sense of smell! They use this to communicate within the hive and to recognize different types of flowers when looking for food.