Milan, MI

The Sweet News – September 2018 Edition

Detroit Digital Summit

Last week,  I spent the last two days at the Detroit Digital Summit and my head is still racing with all the ideas from the conference. The days were filled with speakers covering everything digital — existing and what the future will bring. The biggest takeaways from the conference…

Know your customer, learn as much as you can about them, all the time. 
Did you know that the flight attendants on Delta planes have an app that supplies them with a list of passengers on the flight and what they like based on previous orders or requests? They also have a list of the folks with connecting flights so they can them off the plane and assist them with catching the next one quickly.  Who knew!

Engagement, engagement, Tina Engagementengagement.
Likes and follows are great but if no one is commenting
or dialogue is not occurring, then similar to your followers, the social
platforms will ignore your posts and at times penalize you. Like
everything else, conversation makes things happen, so get to it!

Keep it simple as folks are being bombarded all day long.
Don’t make it difficult for folks to do business with you.
Keep your message simple and your call to action easy and
payment even easier. Folks love others that make
their life more enjoyable and easier
– for sure!

Until next time, remember while digital media is effective, don’t forget that your customers love you and your products or service so make sure to tell them thanks on a regular basis — gratitude is effective!

Bee engaged — Tina

Tina with Alien Event

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The buzz that you hear when a bee approaches is the sound of its four wings moving at 11,400 strokes per minutes. Bees fly an average of 15 miles per hour.