Milan, MI

The Secret to a Good Headline

Headlines are an important and critical part of your story, flyer or advertisement.

Headlines are an important and critical part of your story, flyer or advertisement.

They can make or break your content. Whether you are posting on social media, adding a blog posting, sending out an email blast, or creating an ad — make your headline stand out.

A headline is the first thing your readers or fans see. It should be something to grab their attention, give them insight, and keep them interested.

Your headline needs to be something catchy, thoughtful and truthful. A title creates anticipation and expectation in your readers.

On the other hand, a poor title will create disinterest. Also, nobody likes a headline that under promises, doesn’t have anything to do with the title or leaves people hanging.

So, next time you are writing a headline, put forth your best effort to make readers want to begin your story and read more. Make it personal, catchy, exciting, unique, and creative!

Did you know?

“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” –Charles Eames