Milan, MI

The Sweet News — November 2016

In the last month, I attended two digital marketing events in Detroit and Ypsilanti and I for one, am amazed at the speed of marketing these days. While the tried and true tools are still around, digital marketing is the new mainstay -- but it is a moving target for sure!

A note from the Southern Bee…

In the last month, I attended two digital marketing events in Detroit and Ypsilanti and I for one, am amazed at the speed of marketing these days. While the tried and true tools are still around, digital marketing is the new mainstay — but it is a moving target for sure! Once you think you have discovered how to make it work with your marketing goals, the platform changes and your have to reconfigure your tasks, assignments and sometimes your goal.

While I would love to tell you that you don’t have to join the digital arena — that is no longer possible. To be competitive, you must go where your customers live and that is in the digital world. Each day they drive most of their information and make the majority of decisions from it.

To calm my nerves, I rely on a good plan that encompasses as many “what ifs” as possible and head out into the ever-changing digital world — equipped with knowledge, experience and hopes that the internet gods will be kind to me… today.

When I think of the internet and digital marketing, the vision of the endless ocean appears and I start having a reverse claustrophobia attack at the magnitude of their reach.

For voyagers into this new world, I would like to offer a few suggestions to keep your panic at bay:

  • Don’t discount the tried and true tools that have worked for your in the past. Just because it is the latest new tool doesn’t mean it is for you.
  • Email still works as everyone knows how to use it — no learning curve!
  • Pick platforms that you like to spend time on, otherwise, it will become a chore and you won’t do it.
  • You don’t have to be “on” everything, but there are basics that are a must. If you are in business you MUST claim your business on Google — similar to being in the yellow book in the old days.
  • Keep in mind, your social networks are just that, so be careful not to mix your personal and business views as it might cost you business.
  • Read the results — it’s not just about doing, you have to fine out if what you did is working. Make sure you have Google analytics tied to your website.
  • In the end, have some FUN!! Life is short, super busy and smiles to a million miles when the minutes seem endless.

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It's fun to stay at the C.M.Y.K.