Milan, MI

The Sweet News — February 2017

This January was the anniversary of our 10th year in business and while the road has been long and at times challenging, it has also been filled with many smiles, friendships, and growth in mind and spirit.

A Celebration of Hard Work &

This January was the anniversary of our 10th year in business and while the road has been long and at times challenging, it has also been filled with many smiles, friendships, and growth in mind and spirit.

When I started this company, I chose a bee as our mascot as their lives are very similar to ours. We are both very busy helping things grow and either creating beautiful things or spending time in the middle of them. We are also very tenacious in our efforts — which as allowed our hive to survive and grow.

I’ve discovered a lot of people who can’t wait to retire and spend time doing nothing — I can’t imagine it. To be in the thick of things, creating buzz and looking to the fields and the future is the pure essence of life.

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for being part of our journey and hope that we have brought some sweetness and beauty to your busy lives. You see, even a busy bee knows that there are times when you should just hover quietly, soak up the sun, the fragrance of success and give thanks to the greatest creator of all.

Bee Enduring,


Did you know?

Bees maintain a temperature of 92-93 degrees Fahrenheit in their central brood nest regardless of whether the outside temperature is 110 or -40 degrees.