Milan, MI

Why Your Business & Customers Need Email Marketing

Email generates a whopping 3800% ROI, which is $38 for every $1 spent.

Do you own a small to mid-size business? Are you looking for an effective yet affordable marketing method? Worry no more; email marketing is your ideal solution.

Email marketing is affordable and promises high returns. Millions of organizations around the world use it to generate profit. If you are on the fence on whether to embrace it or not, this information is for you.

Continue reading to know the benefits of email marketing.

To Reach the Right Audience

When you market your products and services to everyone, you can spend a lot of money and achieve very low conversion rates. To avoid this scenario, you can rely on emails to reach your target audience.

And since most people spend more than five hours per day checking their emails, you will be sure that your recipients are reading your emails.

To Save Money

As a small business owner, saving money should be a priority. When marketing, you should only choose the most cost-effective strategy, which happens to be sending out emails.

The only resources you need to send email are your time, a reliable internet connection, and your customers’ email addresses. With that, you can send your emails to thousands of customers at the same time.

When you invest in email marketing and manage it properly, you will save costs previously spent on other marketing types.

Low marketing costs plus high ROI equals a business win.

To Measure the Marketing Performance

Email advertising is measurable. It allows you to know the conversion rates of your marketing efforts. For instance, you can check the email feedback and stats that you have received from your clients over time to see where you can improve.

The measurability feature is a great advantage that you can’t get when using traditional marketing methods, such as print, television or radio.

To Build Long-Lasting Relationships

Attracting new customers is never easy. It costs about five times more to acquire a new customer than retaining an old customer. This makes it imperative to nurture the existing ones.

Email marketing is an excellent method for retaining customers. Customers enjoy receiving emails about topics that interest them and from companies that care about them.

Since it can be time-consuming and costly to contact them via a telephone call, email can be an ideal medium for reaching out. You can inform your clients about new product launches and other developments in your business through emails.

You can also thank them for being loyal to your brand.

Grow Your Business with Email Marketing

There are countless benefits of email marketing, but the above are the main ones. No matter the size of your business or budget, you can still start an effective email marketing campaign and manage it successfully. 

Rapport Innovative Marketing is a marketing agency with a sweet spot for small to mid-size businesses. We love to help entrepreneurs gain a competitive advantage through well-planned marketing strategies, including email marketing. Our services also include website design, graphic design, social media and more.

We have helped many businesses with email marketing and would love to assist in growing your business as well. Contact us so we can learn more about your goals and discover if our comprehensive services can help you reach them.

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