Milan, MI

WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015

This past weekend, on October 24, I attended WordCamp 2015 in Ann Arbor, MI on the University of Michigan’s beautiful campus.


WordCamp was such a cool and insightful experience. With over 20 speakers from all over the country, there was a lot to be learned, from the upcoming future of webdesign to how to choose the right hosting for you website, and everything in between. But it wasn’t just about websites. There was also discussions about social networking, business, and designing. While going to hear the guest speakers was one of the highlights, meeting the community of WordPress users was equally as exciting.


Wait. Let’s back up. What’s WordCamp you ask? And why do you care? Well, WordCamp is a full day conference of learning all about WordPress.






WordPress fuels more than 24% of the websites on the Internet. Over 60 million people use WordPress (that’s a lot of people). In fact, WordPress is the preferred platform for Rapport.


WordPress is a web software anyone can use to create their own website and get their business, blog, charity program, what ever you want out to the world to see. It’s easy to use, and Google ranking loves WordPress websites. What really makes WordPress one of a kind, though, is that it’s core software is built by a community of programmers and designers from all over the world who continue to work to make it better.


And that’s how we get to WordCamp — a community of people coming together to learn about WordPress and other cool things!


If you are interested in learning more about WordPress — visit them at


And visit for more information about this year’s WordCamp. There are many more going on around the country and world — see where the next one will be by visiting


Have you attended a WordCamp? Do you use WordPress? Let’s connect! Please leave us a comment below.