Milan, MI

The Sweet News — Merry Christmas!

Sweet Serendipity!

We had a very pleasant surprise last Friday evening. My son went to a birthday party and when we went to pick him up, we were invited in for cake. Not just any cake — a Mexican homemade pineapple upside-down cake, which was amazing!!!

While we had a night planned full of shopping and wrapping, we ended up sitting around the table eating cake and learning about many Mexican traditions, from birthdays to Christmas — some in English and others in Spanish. I was a wonderful evening and a perfect way to celebrate this time of family and friends — new and old!

I share this very sweet serendipity moment to remind you that while we are super busy during this holiday time, please stop every once in a while to smell the flowers of life. You will never fly by this particular holiday garden again, so pay attention when “little drops of nectar” are offered.


Hope your holidays are…. SWEET!


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