Milan, MI

The Emergence of Mobile

There is nothing quite like putting the pen to a trusty ole notepad to collect and record ideas and information, but in today’s market things are rapidly changing. In order to stay relevant in such a highly competitive, dynamic environment, what can you do to make a wave in the market with your small business?

Keep the consumer in mind, every time. When researching news, latest products or services, where is the first place we go these days? The internet. A worldwide web of platforms, resources, and community is our go-to spot for the answers. With the current population at 7.9 billion people, over 80% of us are considered smartphone users or have access to a mobile device, according to Statista. Phone floating above hand, blurry backgroundSo when considering current ways to reach your target market, mobile marketing avenues should migrate to the top of your list!

“Mobile is becoming not only the new digital hub, but also the bridge to the physical world,” said Thomas Husson, the Vice President, and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research. “That’s why mobile will affect more than just your digital operations – it will transform your entire business.” 

Ensuring intuitive processes throughout your platform and getting information through mobile media can be tricky but thanks to things like algorithms and interactive platforms you can boost how potential customers can access you. In this blog, we will break down a few different aspects: your website, your SEO, your social media platforms, and email marketing.

The possibility of connections is never-ending whether through search engines such as Google and Bing or social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Considering 70% of the total digital media time in the US is accounted for via smartphones, it’s imperative that your small business is prepared and your website is adaptable.

YOUR WEBSITE: Keep it simple. 

Keep your website user-friendly!  Setting up your SEO and streamlining your website

functions assist your business in staying on top as Google’s algorithm will organically prioritize mobile-friendly websites in any search result.

Desktop with Message, Designers keeping their users in mind

Things to incorporate into your web design:
– Main Four Pages – Home, About Us, Services, Contact Us
– Large Buttons
– Easy to Spot Calls to Action
– Text That is Large Enough to Read
– Simple Menus, Forms & Contact Points
– Simple & Intuitive Search Features
– Avoid Pop-Ups!

YOUR SEO: Connection is key.

Make your business available online! Set up your Google Profile and ensure that you include all links. Ask current and past clientele to contribute to your repertoire as potential consumers will likely research reviews and browse social media profiles before making a commitment to a brand, product, or service.

YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS: Staying linked to local.

Get and stay connected through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These are the perfect vehicles for building exposure throughout your community and bringing awareness to your brand and vision.

Since Instagram limits users to only tagging other users, using LinkTree provides a landing page to access different digital locations, with buttons for things like website, services, updates, contact forms, and other socials. Check out how the Rapport Marketing hive uses LinkTree!

Using methods of engagement like social media and email marketing, you can create campaigns that further target a specific audience based on age, interests, or other demographics.

EMAIL/SMS MARKETING: Hit them in the inbox!

Looking for a great way to keep your clientele informed with relevant company updates, in-house and local events, and more? Meet Email Marketing. Using fun, relatable content to stay in touch with current customers, and engage potential new customers, email/SMS marketing is a non-intrusive way to spread the word. Sent to an email address or via text message, is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your website or physical location.

Happy Easter Message with Image and button to menuFor example, Easter is on its way. A local authentic Italian restaurant used email marketing to announce its holiday hours and to promote the use of its limited menu. With eye-catching visuals and to the point copy, any desired message will keep customers informed and engaged.

“End users, not technologies, shape the market. Consequently, marketers need to stay abreast not only of technological developments but also of the way people respond to them.” Quoted by Matt Haig Author of Mobile Marketing – “The Message Revolution“

The digital media race is ramping up and doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon. Consider the current social trends and how you and others interact with the world today, and talk to the experts at Rapport about how we can adjust your multi-media marketing course to increase your business exposure! Give us a call at 734.395.8212 to set up a complimentary consultation.

Did you know?

When bees change jobs, they change their brain chemistry. Scout bees, which search for new sources of food, are wired for adventure. Soldier bees work as security guards their whole life. One percent of all middle-aged bees become undertakers. Regular honeybees -- which perform multiple jobs in their lifetime -- will change their brain chemistry before taking up a new gig.