Looking to grow your brand and audience?
Boost your posts! Boosted posts appear higher in News Feeds, so there is a better chance your audience will see them.
To boost a post on your business page, just follow these simple steps:
- Go to a post you’ve crated and then click Boost Post in the lower-right hand corner.
- Choose your audience and budget based on how many people you want to reach and how long you’d like your boost to run. You can also change your payment method.
- Click Boost Post.
Boosting your posts is a great option if your goal is to increase engagement with your audience and get people interacting with the content you share on Facebook. You can select your target audience based on location, age, and interests. When you boost a post, your ads will be optimized to reach people within your audience who are likely to take some action on your ad, such as sharing it.
We boost posts frequently and these boosts have been very successful. If you boost your posts, what types of posts do you like to boost? Share with us in the comments below! If your goal is to grow your brand and audience, and you are not boosting, you should be.